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Unmuted Nation - True Kitchen & Kocktails Owner Under Fire for Attack on Customers

Unmuted Nation
Unmuted Nation

The Unmuted Nation Cabinet returns with special guests Jazmine Henley-Brown and Kristian Calhoun to discuss an incident that happened at True Kitchen & Kocktails Dallas over the weekend. True Kitchen and Kocktails owner Kevin Kelley is seen in a video reprimanding what looks to be the entire restaurant. The full discussion happens on Unmuted Nation, watch on BossFM Radio.

Unmuted Nation hosted by Alex Haynes airs weekdays on BossFM Radio at 1pm on the BossFM TALK channel.

#TrueKitchen #TrueKitchenKocktails #KevinKelley #Twerk #UnmutedNation #DatAss

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