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Essence Fest 2023:: Your ultimate guide for where to shop and where to eat!

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Hey fam! Do you want to know where to shop and eat while visiting New Orleans for essence fest!? I got you covered! I've put together a long list of black-owned businesses you must try if you are visiting for the fest! So sit back, grab some wine, a pen, and paper because you are going to want to take notes!

As always, let me know your thoughts in the comments. I would love to hear if you've tried any of these places or if you plan to. And don't forget to follow me on Instagram. I'll be uploading a ton of essence stuff there!
Follow me ----- https://www.instagram.com/tracey_wiley/?hl=en

Places to shop

West London Boutique- https://www.westlondonboutique.com
Pop Culture NOLA- https://shoppopculturenola.com
Odamo- https://odaomo.com
Wicks Nola- https://shopwicksnola.com
Freedom Apothecary- https://freedomapothecary.com
David Lees Boutique- https://davidleesbtq.com
H Kyle- https://shophkyle.com
Beautify- https://www.beautifynola.com

Places to eat

Bennachin- http://www.bennachinrestaurant.com
Lil Dizzy- https://lildizzyscafe.net
Sweet Vegan Soul Food- https://sweetvegansoulfood.com
McHardy's- https://www.instagram.com/mchardyschicken/?hl=en
Neyows- https://neyows.com
Vyoone's- https://www.vyoone.com
Morrows- https://morrowsnola.com
Monday- http://mondaynola.com
Sun Chong- https://sunchongnola.com
Justin's- https://justinisnola.com
Second Vine Wine- https://www.secondvinewine.shop
Lorettas- https://lorettaspralines.com
Chef Scott( ghetto burger)- https://www.instagram.com/chef....scottofnolafoods/?hl

Other places to eat and shop

Dragos- https://www.dragosrestaurant.com
Parkway- https://parkwaypoorboys.com
Southern Candymakers- https://southerncandymakers.com
Revolution- https://www.revolutionnola.com
Cafe Beignets- https://www.cafebeignet.com

UAL- https://store.shopual.com
Monomin- https://monomin.com
The Elizabeth Chronicles- https://www.theelizabethchronicles.com

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